Cookies Policy in South Africa

The Aviator Online website uses cookies to enhance your navigation experience and set you apart from other users. More details on cookies, including their uses, classifications, and purposes, are provided below. You may find additional details about our activities and the handling of personal data in our privacy notices, which are posted on our website.

Learn all about Cookies Policy for Aviator.

What Is a Cookie?

A short text file will be downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you access the Aviator Online website. This short text file could include a unique identification to distinguish your computer or mobile device from others. In this Cookie Notice, we use the word “cookies” to refer to website cookies and other similar technologies (such pixel tags and web beacons) that automatically collect information from you when you visit our websites.

Source and Categories of Cookies

On our website, both proprietary and third-party cookies are used. Whether a cookie is “own” or “third-party” depends on the website or domain that holds it. First-party cookies are those set by us, while second-party cookies are those set by our agents, and any information obtained via them is collected by us. Second-party cookies are discussed throughout this Cookie Notice. When you visit our website, you could also get cookies from these third parties, who use them to track your use of the site and perhaps other online activity over time across many websites and apps. These third parties get data directly from your web browser, and their use of this data is governed by their privacy policies.

The kind of cookies will determine if they:

  • “Session Cookies” are temporary files that are kept in your browser’s memory and deleted when you shut it;
  • “Persistent Cookies” are cookies that are saved on your computer so they may still be there after you restart it.

Cookies Management

Our business respects openness and is dedicated to providing you control over your personal data. If you’d want to modify your cookie choices or remove cookies from your device, you may do so whenever you’d like.

Most internet browsers automatically allow cookies as their default option. You may modify your settings if you wish to disable cookies or get alerts when cookies are transmitted to your device. If you use our website from several devices (such as your computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), you must make sure that each browser on each of those devices is configured in accordance with your cookie settings.

Changes to This Cookie

Future updates to this cookie notice will be posted on this page and you’ll be made as soon as feasible aware of them by Aviator Online. For updates or modifications to this cookie notice, check back often. We will update our banner/cookie pop-up to inform you of these changes as well.
